To explore how our programming skills can be used to make games in Scratch
To predict what a simple program will do
I can explore code in Scratch games and investigate
I can play Scratch games made by older children in the school
I can change the code to change the game!
I can fix problems in the algorithm.
All children should be able to:
1 – Open the website
2 - Play "Find my monsters" in groups of 2 pairs - take turns to programme the Beebot to your monster!.
Most Children should be able to:
Complete 1 - 3
4 - Create own algorithm using whiteboards and whiteboard pens to predict how to find the monster!
5 - Work in pairs to programme the Beebot on the "Monster Map" to follow algorithm programmes
Some Children should be able to:
Complete 1 - 5
6 - Debug their algorithms and programming
7 - Share their algorithm and follow algorithms of other people
8 - Create an algorithm to find both monsters!