Above are some examples of the videos on my YouTube site https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-wB9pBkoRh3iWCpVRrRysg
I have produced these to support parents and children at home at the start of the direct instruction precision teaching phonics programme within school. Precision Teaching is based upon repetition and learning by rote - similar to learning times tables heart by saying them over and over again. The idea is that there are 100 key words which are learned in groups of around 8 or 9 words. Some words can be "sounded out" which means that each letter sound can be said quickly to say the word, these words are called "Regular Words" such as:
went, in, is, it
Other words are called "Tricky" or "Irregular Words" these need to be learned individually as independent words as they can not be sounded out - such as:
the, some, take
The concept behind direct instruction precision teaching of phonics is that if these 100 key words are learned, then 80% of most text can be read as they contain most of these words. The learning also of the individual letter sounds can help read new words that a child has not seen before.
I am extremely encouraged by the parents of the children whom I teach as I notice rapid progress due to the support by parents with their children practicing at home together with my videos - particularly parents with English as a second language!