All children should be able to:
1 Access Isle of Tune website through lesson planning.
2 Investigate first 30 seconds of Youtube video.
copied tune
Revisit the example of tools to build a road loop of 8x7 squares with trees first, then adding bushes. Programme your own keyboard tunes or the Baby Vu Vu example if you are feeling really clever!
Copy the rhythm with 4 lampposts - add double beats/ 2 houses and 2 road sections discuss/ share with class.
Most Children should be able to:
Add a third loop using houses and other devices - programme own sounds to make the music your own.
6 Save work online using ASMAT username.
Some Children should be able to:
7 To investigate plant icon keyboard sounds.
8 Make "print screen" copies and paste into their self assessment scrapbook.Extension Activity:
Load an existing Isle of Tune example and adapt it - what tune can you make next?
Lesson 4 - Y3/Y4
Task 1–
1. To create a simple tune using a square of 8x7 blocks each side with trees and bushes
2. Children to access Isle of Tune website and research/ follow sencolewis3 coding example.
3. To showcase the video and coding example to the class.
Task 2 -
4. To copy rhythm beat using 2 road blocks and 4 lamposts/ 2 houses
5. Save work online - consider eSafety - using username.
Task 3 -
6. Self assess..
Showcase to the class - describing how they created it.
Extension: Load an existing Isle of Tune example and adapt it - what tune can you make next?
Key Words
Isle of Tune
Self assessment