Blog Post

Kodu Programming - Lesson 3 - Y5/Y6

  • by James D. Lewis
  • 19 Jan, 2018

Lesson Learning Objectives:  

  1. To revisit computer suite routines & Tuesday lunchtime computer club / Golden Tickets.
  2. To find lesson 3 on the sencolewis website.
  3. To follow Kodu - Use tutorials 3.
  4. To learn the smooth hills tool, spikey hills tool, magic selector tool, smoothing out tool
  5. Use these tools to add land and smooth hills
  6. To change the colour of the land
  7. To introduce online Self assessment / saving work and screenshots.

Make an amazing Kodu world with Mr Lewis today!

Kodu Tutorial 3 - Create your Kodu world - add different colour terrain, smooth hills and water

All children should be able to:

1 Find designated computer in the computer suite

2 Investigate Kodu lesson example 3

Selecting terrain tools for flat land, size brushes, colour

3 Follow introduction example, watch first video

Most Children should be able to:

Complete 1-3

4 Complete height, soft and hard tools, smoothing tools

Some Children should be able to:

5 Add trees, clouds, factory etc

Ext: change sizes of these items, rotate, change their colours,

follow extension tutorial links at bottom of this webpage

Open up Kodu and view my example by clicking on "Community" on the home menu and typing in the "search area"

Video - Adding different types of land/terrain using tools

Adding land / terrain makes your game more interesting.  You can design your flat landscape through the use of colour before the next lesson where we will be making the land into hills, valleys and lakes/sea.  Follow the steps shown below.

Watch from 2.00 mins - 4.00 mins to find out how to make soft hills and use the "magic brush" tool to select terrain of the same colour

Extension Activity - Add trees, clouds and factories

Key Words








terrain - land

brush- tool shape

self assessment

Feeling clever? - extra homework tutorials here:

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